Weather4D High Tech Android

            Weather4D is the first application to use the power of the GPU to animate the weather forecast as a video. The 2D or 3D display is complemented by the continuous time scrolling can perfectly visualize the evolution of weather phenomena to come. Automatic scrolling can be accelerated or slowed down, manually performed forwards or backwards in time by simply sliding a finger or by time increments through taps on "next / previous" buttons.

Global data are based forecasts up to 8 days of GFS, GEM, COAMPS, WW3 and FNMOC MyOcean model. The forecasts are updated up to 4 times per day. Geographical areas for queries are fully defined by the user and without limitation. A wide range of parameters is available:
- Wind at 10 meters above the ground
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Precipitation (Rain & Snow)
- Cloud cover
- Air temperature
- CAPE (Measurement of potential storm)
- Waves (height, period and direction)
- Ocean Currents

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